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Close on 70 delegates from leading systems companies, fabricators, glass companies and installers attended the 7th event in Edgetech’s national Journey to C roadshow last week at the iconic Eden Project. Special guest speaker on behalf of the BFRC, James Strawbridge, joined them for the day and urged attendees to embrace the role of selling more than just a window by becoming more rounded, energy efficient home improvement specialists.

Alan Fielder, Director of Sales and Marketing at Edgetech, organisers of ‘Journey to C’ comments: “The Eden event was the 7th in 9 road shows which have taken us from Scotland to Newcastle, Manchester, Bristol, Coventry and London. Designed to be practical workshops as well as a seminar on the proposed building regulation changes, delegates had the opportunity to discuss issues with the panel of speakers – Giles Willson was kept particularly busy – as well as network and talk one to one with experts.

“We were especially pleased to have James Strawbridge with us at the Eden project and delighted that on behalf of the BFRC he applauded Edgetech for our efforts in organising the events. We had hoped to be able to announce the changes to the regulations on the day, but unfortunately we learned that they will not be made public until the end of the month. As frustrating as this delay may be, the 500+ delegates who have attended our events so far are ahead of many in being prepared for the changes and the impact they will have on their businesses.”

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