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As Director of Sales and Marketing for Edgetech, Alan oversees the UK sales activities and technical team to ensure that customers are making the most of their manufacturing.



Sales and Marketing Director Alan Fielder
I’ve been working at Edgetech as Director of Sales and Marketing since 2008.

My role is to oversee all sales activities and lead a fantastic team of professionals going into the competitive and dynamic marketplace that is the glazing industry.

My team’s main job is to make sure that we achieve results for us and for our IGU manufacturing customers.




How Does Edgetech Differentiate Itself From its Competitors?

Edgetech differentiates itself by being a genuinely innovative market leader.

Edgetech were trailblazers for the warm edge market in the UK. Through the years we have brought warm edge technology to the forefront of the industry agenda.

We led the conversation on energy efficient glazing, sponsoring the first WER seminar in 2006, organising the 2009 seminar ‘Energy Efficiency in Focus – Revisited’ and holding the nationwide series of ‘Journey to C’ workshops in 2010.

The most recent big event hosted by Edgetech was The Triple Glazing Question, in 2014 – which brought together leading decision makers and figures in the industry to talk about the latest issues and opportunities for glazing companies.

With our innovative approach to energy efficient glazing and manufacturing, we help our customers go forward in their marketplace. What we try to do is to be the right partner for our customers, to help them with what they are trying to achieve.

Edgetech Management Team

How Does the Edgetech Sales Team Support Customers?

The sales team is effectively the bridge between what we can do in terms of product and service provision and what our customers are trying to achieve in the market place.

We have a close relationship with customers so that we can keep ahead of the issues that they are facing in their everyday IGU manufacturing activity.

The sales team also keep customers in the know about what Edgetech is doing and thinking to help them with their manufacturing processes. Whether that’s ways to improve productivity in partnership with top machinery companies or giving them an extra support service from our technical team.


How Does the Edgetech Technical Team Support Customers?Technical team at Edgetech UK supports ICU manufcaturing customers

Our technical support team helps our customers in several ways.

We have a quality process audit regime to help customers make sure that they are on track in the ways they use Edgetech Super Spacer® products in terms of storage, housekeeping and how they keep their machinery running to the highest levels of productivity.

The guys are always on the end of the phone to answer questions and regularly visit our customers on site to help out with Super Spacer application training, automated machinery installation and technical problem solving.

It’s an all-round product support package for our customer’s IGU manufacturing activities.


What Makes You Proud to Work at Edgetech and Quanex?

I’m proud to be a Quanex employee because we are responsible both in terms of the way we behave in the marketplace, with our customers and the communities in which we operate.

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