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front door of the Adare Manor Hotel


The luxury Adare Manor Hotel & Golf Resort in County Limerick was built in the mid-19th century in neo-Gothic style as a private family residence.

A rare example of a ‘Calendar House’ (a building with 365 windows, 52 chimneys, 7 pillars and 4 towers), it was important that this building was restored sympathetically in order to preserve its beauty for future generations.

A restoration project began whereby the windows in this historic building were repaired and restored. Wherever possible, the historic glass was reused, and all modern single-glazed windows were replaced with double glazing.

IMC Glass supplied a total of around 1,100 insulating glass units to three different window manufacturers for the renovation of the main house and Carriage House.

Condensation was a particular concern in this project, and thermal break technology was essential in order to reduce condensation and the resulting damage it would do to the timber window frames.

Edgetech’s Super Spacer® Heritage spacer bar provided the perfect solution for maintaining the charm and aesthetics of the Manor while ensuring it was thermally efficient and would continue to be so for years to come.

Now fully restored, Adare Manor Hotel & Golf Resort once again stands out as a gem nestled in the heart of County Limerick.

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