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Many column inches have been devoted to CE Marking in recent months in the advent of the mandatory July 1st deadline. But proof that there are still many companies requiring help for compliance is demonstrated in the number of requests for Edgetech’s online CE Marking Packs in the last few weeks. Since being launched at the start of June, at the time of writing, over 2953 IGU manufacturers, fabricators and installers have visited https://www.edgetechig.co.uk/ce-marking.asp for advice.

Most of us are now aware that from July the 1st, the current Construction Products Directive will be replaced by the Construction Products Regulation. This change means that it will be mandatory in the UK for building products to comply with CE Marking requirements, and most external windows and doorsets will need CE Marking. In preparation for the change, Edgetech has created three plain talking CE Marking packs for IGU manufacturers, window and door fabricators and window and door installers.

Alan Fielder, Director of Sales and Marketing at Edgetech comments on the company’s latest free initiative for the industry: “There has been lots written about the implications of CE Marking, and we felt it important to help make the transition for companies as easy as possible. There are essentially four main steps to CE Marking IGUs or windows and doors, and at each step, Edgetech has made it as simple as possible for the entire supply chain. Step One is the requirement for a Factory Production Control System (FPC), a quality system that documents the procedures and processes for controlling both the source of components and the manufacture of products in accordance with either EN1279 or EN14351 standards. While most IGU manufacturers will already have an FPC in place to document compliance with EN1279, installers will need to detail the source of both frames and glass to ensure the components satisfy the specification detailed on the Declaration of Performance. As part our CE Marking packs, Edgetech provides FPC templates and guidance for IGUS, windows and doorsets.

“The second step is the requirement for Initial Type Testing (ITT) to demonstrate the essential performance characteristics of the product. This testing can be carried out on a worst case scenario to reduce the number of tests required, and data can often be cascaded down from suppliers and systems houses. This is the case with Edgetech where our products have been tested by a Notified Body, and ITT data for thermal transmittance is available for IGU manufacturers.

“We can also help with step three which Declaration of Performance (DoP) which states how the product will perform by listing the essential characteristics as well as ITT reports. “For most windows and doorsets, performance has to be declared for thermal transmittance, load bearing capability of safety devices and dangerous substances. DoPs also need to contain traceability details of the IGU, window or doorset including manufacturer’s contact information. Once again, as part of our packs, Edgetech is providing template DoP documents for IGUs and window and door sets.

“The final step is CE Mark labelling which is required to be visible on every product, its packaging or within the document pack. However, because the DoP can work on the worst case scenario basis, many installers will only need one CE Marking label for each window and doorset type they sell. Edgetech provides CE Mark label templates for IGUs, windows and doorsets.

“The packs are free of charge and are available to download from our website at the following address: https://https://www.edgetechig.co.uk/ce-marking.asp. Alternatively from our homepage, choose CE Marking from the Products menu dropdown.
With support from suppliers like Edgetech, the impact of CE Marking on individual businesses shouldn’t be too onerous, and we really want to help make the transition as simple as possible for everyone – after all, as the IGU solutions partner of choice, that’s exactly what we’re here for.”

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