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The most recent ?Journey to C? event hit Lord?s in London and delegates jumped on the opportunity to question Giles Willson of the BFRC on the up and coming changes to legislation. Alan Fielder, Director of Sales and Marketing at Edgetech, organisers of ‘Journey to C’ explains: “We designed ‘Journey to C’ to be a practical workshop as well as a seminar on the up and coming changes to legislation. Delegates to all the events have said how much they appreciate the opportunity to discuss issues with the panel of speakers, as well as on a one to one basis with individual experts. In London window companies were particularly interested to hear from Giles about how future proof the current Window Energy Rating scale is. For example how long will today’s ‘A’ remain the highest rating you can get and will this future proof you through to 2016? It’s great that companies are thinking that far ahead, but the seminars are primarily addressing the more immediate need for action in the proposed Building Regulations due to be announced any day now. Delegates also enjoyed a delicious lunch on the day courtesy of AGC!”

Tony Smith of Pilkington says: “Thank you to Edgetech for an excellent day at Lord’s. I was very impressed with both the content and the presentation of the entire event.”

Alan adds: “‘Journey to C’ will be arriving at Bristol on Friday 9th April before moving on to St Austell in Cornwall on Wednesday 14th April where James Strawbridge will also be making an appearance.”

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