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Edgetech customer, Cleartherm Sealed Units, is pleased to announce that its sealed units using Pilkington Pyrodur® Plus with either a laminated or toughened patterned glass and Edgetech’s Super Spacer Warm Edge Technology have achieved successful fire test results at Chiltern Fire. Dave Laing, Managing Director of Cleartherm explains what the achievement means for the company: “This pass result is great news for us and our customers. We made the move to Super Spacer five years ago because we could see the clear benefits it would give us and sure enough we have grown the number of units we manufacture from 1500 units a week before we switched to Super Spacer, to 4000 units a week today. But previously we weren’t able to extend the benefits of Super Spacer to units that would be used in fire doors because only stainless steel spacers had passed the necessary 30 minute integrity test. This is no longer the case having achieved this great result. Working in Partnership with Pilkington – we are the first processing customer to make Pilkington Pyrodur® Plus units of this type – and Edgetech, we can now supply units that will allow our customers to supply safe, secure and energy efficient fire doors.”

One Cleartherm customer that is already benefitting from the new units is social housing specialist fabricator Nationwide Windows. Managing Director John Whalley comments: “Local authorities and housing associations everywhere are demanding more from the products they specify. As legislation continues to tighten in all areas at the same time that costs need to be kept down, they are under increasing pressure to provide the best long term solution. Our already energy efficient composite doors can now benefit from these fire protection glazed units meaning our customers don’t need to compromise on any aspect. This is particularly important at the moment with local authorities and housing associations in the process of reviewing and upgrading fire protection in multiple-occupancy buildings.”

“This is a fantastic achievement for Cleartherm and we’re thrilled to be a part of it,” says Alan Fielder, Director of Sales and Marketing of Edgetech, a Quanex company. “Sealed units that have passed this 30 minute fire test in the past have always included stainless steel spacer bar. No other material could be used which was limiting for manufacturers working in this field, so this really is an important milestone for everyone involved. Edgetech has always been committed to helping its customers gain the competitive edge so we are pleased to do what we can to help those wanting to go the extra mile to stand out from the crowd.”

Mike Wood, Head of Fire Protection for Pilkington adds: “Pilkington were pleased to undertake this development test programme with Cleartherm because of the quality focus of Cleartherm and their market commitment.”

For more information on Edgetech’s range of Warm Edge Technology, call 08700 566844 or visit www.superspacer.co.uk

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