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In light of the escalation in the government’s guidance regarding the COVID-19 situation, we have taken the decision to temporarily shut down the business for 3 weeks from 25 March so that our employees can all adhere to the government’s guidance not to attend work unless absolutely necessary.

We have been closely monitoring the situation and advice over the past weeks and taking steps to keep our employees safe while balancing the need to keep service levels consistent for our customers. Our decision on this has not been made lightly but at this point, we believe that doing the right thing is now to close our business to keep our employees safe by enabling them to fully adhere to the government’s guidance not to attend work unless absolutely necessary.

We will continue monitoring the situation during this time and will review this decision during the third week, week commencing 13th April. We will then update our communication on how we will proceed based on government advice at that point. All major service updates will be posted on our website so please bookmark www.edgetechig.co.uk.

It is our sincere hope that if we stand behind the guidance as a nation it will help us to be able to return to normality at the earliest opportunity.

I hope you and your families stay safe and look forward to when we can put this unsettling time behind us.

Kind Regards,

Chris Alderson
Managing Director

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