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Edgetech Team at Glasstec 2022Edgetech, a Quanex company, has returned from a highly successful visit to Glasstec – the world’s biggest and most respected glazing exhibition.

Drawing thousands of exhibitors from 50 countries, and more than 40,000 visitors from 126 countries, Glasstec is a major event in the industry calendar.

It gives the sector’s leading lights a chance to experience the latest products and innovations on offer, and to discuss the biggest challenges facing them.

For Edgetech, it was an opportunity to showcase one of its own recent innovations, Super Spacer® T-Spacer® SG.

The flexible T-shaped spacer made of silicone foam enables highly efficient automated processing and application, increasing productivity for large format glass units.

The product also offers excellent condensation resistance, shape retention and colour stability, as well as the first-class thermal conductivity that characterises all Edgetech spacers.

Glasstec provided the perfect venue to promote T-Spacer® SG, which is already widely used on ambitious commercial glazing projects throughout Europe.

Edgetech’s Head of Marketing Charlotte Hawkes comments: “It was a brilliant show – our stand was genuinely busy from start to finish, and there was standing room only a lot of the time.

“One theme that repeatedly came up was labour shortages, and we spoke to a large number of IGU manufacturers interested in adopting automation as a way of tackling them.

“It was also the first opportunity we’ve had to reveal our new branding to the European market – given the global audience at the show, “A part of something bigger” felt especially fitting!

“In general, there was a great atmosphere. You really got the sense everyone was happy to be back together.”

If you’re interested in learning more, we’d be delighted to hear from you – don’t hesitate to contact Edgetech on 02476 639931 or email ukenquiries@edgetechig.com. 

Edgetech at Glasstec 2022 Exhibition

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