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Edgetech employees worldwide are celebrating the company’s 20 years in business in December. In December 1989 Edgetech IG Inc was incorporated as a wholly owned subsidiary of Lauren Manufacturing and brought the Super Spacer Warm Edge Technology product to market. Andy Jones, Edgetech’s European and UK Managing Director comments: “In the UK and Europe we’re celebrating 20 years in business by achieving our best ever monthly sales results in recent months. This success is a direct result of more companies making the switch to Warm Edge Technology and realising the benefits of working with Edgetech. With the difficult economy taking casualties and companies pulling out of markets because they’re not seeing the growth they need to survive, we’re thrilled to be celebrating our 20th anniversary with our own and our customers’ continued growth.

“At our head office in Cambridge, Ohio the team celebrated the company’s ongoing dedication to the markets in which it operates with an anniversary event with words from the company’s leaders past and present, including:

– Dale Lauren Foland, Founder of Lauren International and entrepreneurial spirit behind Edgetech
– Kevin Gray, CEO of Lauren International and Edgetech’s first President
– Michael Glover, Founder of the original Edgetech company and co-inventor of Super Spacer
– Michael Hovan, current President of Edgetech

Mike Hovan, President of Edgetech I.G adds: “Over the years, our employees have worked hard to provide nothing but quality in terms of service and a wide range of product offerings. This celebration is really about them and our collective commitment to making the next 20 years just as great as the first.”

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