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Edgetech, the only dedicated manufacturer of Warm Edge Technology in the UK, has launched a brand new version of its WER:DIY programme – the Window Energy Rating (WER) assessment calculator for fabricators. “We launched WER:DIY as a joint initiative with Pilkington back in 2007 to help fabricators understand what they would need to do to achieve A, B or C energy rated windows,” explains Edgetech Managing Director, Andy Jones. “WERs have really gathered pace since then but there are still plenty of companies that are looking for advice on the energy rating they could achieve with their existing profile. The new version of WER:DIY includes 3 Warm Edge Technology products from Edgetech; Pilkington K Optiwhite; an aluminium system from Sapa; more PVC systems than ever before, including products that include thermal inserts. With these new additions the calculator now contains 12,870 combinations of materials and technologies across 16 different window systems and has 99 IG specifications per frame type. This is almost double the amount of combinations we had in WER:DIY Version 1. This wide range of options allows fabricators of all systems to see how their individual windows perform against the BFRC ratings and how they could perform by changing individual components of their window. WER:DIY is a free and easy service that gives users access to all of this information in just a minute.”

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