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Edgetech Shortlisted Insider Made In Midlands AwardsEdgetech, the market-leading warm-edge spacer manufacturer and a proud part of Quanex, are celebrating after being named finalists in three categories at the Insider Made in the Midlands Awards 2023.

The Coventry-based firm has been shortlisted in the Manufacturing Innovation, Sustainable Ethical Manufacturer, and Manufacturer of the Year categories.

Founded by Insider Media Limited, the event seeks to showcase the best businesses the Midlands has to offer.

Now in its thirteenth year, it’s grown to become a major fixture in the calendars of businesspeople from across the region, regularly attracting entries from more than 70 companies.

Edgetech is proud that their work is being recognised, as Managing Director Chris Alderson explains.

“For decades, the Midlands has been a major hub for innovative manufacturing, and so to be named among the region’s leading businesses is a hugely gratifying experience for us.

“Edgetech prides itself on its legacy of pushing technical boundaries, improving the energy efficiency of Britain’s built environment, and providing an ethical, supportive workplace for dozens of employees in the Midlands area.

“We’re delighted to be shortlisted alongside some of the most respected manufacturers in the region, and look forward to hearing the final results!”

Winners will be announced at a glamorous black-tie event held at Birmingham’s Macdonald Burlington Hotel on Thursday 4th May 2023.

For more information, please call 02476 639931 or visit www.edgetechig.co.uk

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