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The only dedicated manufacturer of Warm Edge Technology in the UK, Edgetech, is pleased to welcome John Moneagle to its team of Business Development Advisors. John Moneagle has joined the company to manage the territories of Scotland and Northern Ireland to help Edgetech stay ahead of demand in these areas too. “I’ve been in the window industry for over 20 years,” says John, “and I’m thrilled to join Edgetech and work closely with its customers to help them achieve their individual objectives. I’ll also be working to further improve Edgetech’s presence in the Republic of Ireland to satisfy the demand we are seeing in this region from fabricators and installers. It’s exciting to be working with a company that offers a great product to help companies future proof their businesses and then backs those products up with unrivalled sales and marketing support. Having spent time working in the specification sector I will also be looking to develop the company’s presence in this sector in the UK and Republic of Ireland.”

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