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Edgetech donate to Ukraine Crisis Appeal

Edgetech, a Quanex company, has responded to the worsening humanitarian situation in Ukraine by donating to the Disasters Emergency Committee’s Ukraine Crisis Appeal.

Edgetech UK has donated £5,000 to support the organisations’ efforts to help those affected by the conflict.

The company’s employees have also donated goods to be sent to the region, collaborating with Feed the Hungry Coventry Food Bank, a local charity Edgetech has supported previously.

Meanwhile, Edgetech’s European arm has donated 5,000 Euros to German aid charity Aktion Deutschland Hilft.

Edgetech Managing Director Chris Alderson comments:

“We all felt moved to show our solidarity with the people currently suffering in Ukraine, and those who’ve been forced to flee to neighbouring countries by the violence.

“I know I speak for everyone at Edgetech and Quanex more broadly when I say we hope this horrific situation can be quickly and peacefully resolved.

“We routinely supply customers across Ukraine and the wider region, and our thoughts are with them at this incredibly difficult time.”
To support the Ukraine Crisis Appeal, please visit Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal

For more information, please call 02476 639931 or contact us online.

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