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Inside a factory, a large Twinseal machine is actively used


For 22 years, Twinseal has been at the forefront of British IGU manufacturing – thanks to its longstanding commitment to embracing new products and technology, and the support of trusted supplier Edgetech.

Two automated spacer application lines, combined with the labour-saving benefits of Edgetech’s Super Spacer®, have helped the York-based firm streamline its operations and offer excellent product quality.

“With Edgetech’s support, we’ve been able to improve productivity and ensure we’re delivering the best possible IGUs to our customers,” comments Production Director Lee Cowen.

“People often think automation is about replacing humans with robots, but at Twinseal, that’s not been the case at all.

“Even the most automated production line in the world still needs staff to oversee the production, and that human element can’t be replaced.

“My team is an integral part of what we do here at Twinseal – it takes extremely skilled staff to run our production line.”

Being forward-thinking isn’t just about investing in machinery and technology, however. Twinseal’s success can also be attributed to their ability to pre-emptively solve problems before they even occur.

Lee likens Twinseal’s facility to “Noah’s ark” – they have two of each piece of machinery to ensure that, if something goes wrong or machinery breaks down, there is a backup plan already in place.

Lee continues: “Engineering expertise and rigorous maintenance schedules are a vital part of providing the high-quality service we’re known for.’’

It’s this kind of proactive thinking that allows Twinseal to provide such consistently excellent service to their customers.

Edgetech Head of Sales Tony Palmer comments: “At Edgetech, we’ve always placed a special emphasis on embracing new technologies.

“We’re delighted that Twinseal have seen such success working with Super Spacer® over the years, and are a fantastic example of what can be achieved by adopting automation.

“We look forward to helping them continue to innovative and evolve in the years ahead”.

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