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Edgetech, UK manufacturer of the most cost effective warm edge technology, is pleased to announce that customer Energy Saving Glass, has passed EN1279 Part 3 with BSI. Alex Walker of ESG comments on the achievement: “This particular standard, relating to gas loss from an insulated glass unit, is stereotypically difficult to pass, whatever combination of products you use. With the technical support we received from Edgetech it was painless. We’ve been featuring Super Spacer as standard in our units for a couple of years now with our fully automated For.El IG production line to ensure that we stay ahead of the demand for more energy efficient windows. Our focus is on supplying our customers with the very best performing products that meet even the highest expectations for quality. Achieving all the necessary standards, including EN1279 Part 3 is of the utmost importance to us, so we are grateful for the support we receive from our suppliers, particularly when it is over and above, as it is from Edgetech.”

Alan Fielder, Sales and Marketing Director of Edgetech adds: “As part of our whole business support approach, we are pleased to be able to help proactive, quality focused companies like ESG both technically with practical support when it matters, as well as sales and marketing support to ensure they have all the resources they need to make money from their more energy efficient products.”

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