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Edgetech’s most recent stop in its ‘Journey to C’ nationwide series of events saw the company at Lancashire County Cricket Club in Manchester. With over 100 people attending this regional workshop, window companies in this area are now even better placed to tackle the challenges we face as an industry this year. Andy Jones, Edgetech’s Managing Director explains: “As with all of the events we are holding around the country, delegates to Manchester heard from Giles Willson of the BFRC, Richard Bate of Buildcheck, Wayne Robertson of CEN Solutions and Alan Fielder of Edgetech, about the specific details of the Building regulations and the process of achieving and then selling windows with energy ratings.”

Here’s some of the feedback from the day:
“As a glass supplier in this area the Journey to C event was great for us. Not only did it provide us with the very latest information on proposed Building Regulations and Window Energy Ratings, it was also a great opportunity for us to network and catch up with new and existing customers. It’s always an investment to take time out of the office for events like this but it was completely worthwhile for a company such as Padiham who wants to keep itself and its customers head of the competition as the markets continue to change.” Stephen Clarkson, Padiham Glass

“The day was really informative and has cleared up a lot of uncertainty that we had on the proposed changes to Building Regulations and what’s involved in achieving Window Energy Ratings. While we were aware of the overall picture, it’s great to have some extra clarification on the details. It helped to have the involvement of the BFRC because other seminars we’ve been to haven’t had this added credibility or the level of detail or knowledge from a range of speakers.” Chris and Bob Hart, Hart & Co (Windows and Doors) Ltd

John Jones of Parkfield Property Development said: “We had some awareness of the issues affecting the marketplace at the moment through our glass supplier, Lakeside Glass, but to be given the specific details of the proposed Building Regulations was of particular interest.”

For more information on the proposed Building Regulations, Journey to C, and to guarantee your place at a workshop near you, please visit www.journeytoc.co.uk

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