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Gary Shoesmith is Edgetech’s Head of Technical & Quality, and an integral part of our commitment to constant innovation.
I work on new product development, quality management and supporting our customers to maximise efficiency or compliance, whilst keeping up with changing regulations.

One day I might be working on new spacer technology, designed to deliver improved thermal efficiency and overall performance. Other times I’ll be working to improve existing offerings – then I might be out at a customer site, helping with certification, specific IG applications, transitions to new products or helping to validate new equipment and processes.

I also get involved in Edgetech’s compliance activities to external standards, including more recent work on the environmental and sustainability sphere. Over the last twenty years, there’s been a marked shift in what people expect from the businesses they work at, invest in, or buy from. We understand now that one in every four dollars invested on the New York Stock Exchange has some element of ESG consideration behind it.


On an issue like climate change, for instance, we’ve got a moral duty to minimise the impact we’re having; our products are a key area to improve building fabric energy efficiency in use, but we also need to consider their impact in manufacturing and at end of life.

People care about the environment and sustainability factors. They care about human rights and people’s working conditions. And they want to work with companies that are ethical and transparent.

Edgetech has always been very progressive in that regard. But there’s always more we can be doing and consider.

How does your role support customers?

I’d like to think that the majority of what I do is outward facing and helps customers in some way.

Whether that is going out and directly assisting them face-to-face – like when delivering training on new products, or assisting them with testing, or in providing technical information needed for their systems and products they manufacture or advice on meeting legislation and their own certifications.

Sometimes it’s more behind the scenes, like when I’m working on developing the new ranges, product improvements that will allow them to provide market-leading performance and give them an edge on their competition.

gary shoesmith

Why are you proud to work at Edgetech?

When it comes to new product development, sustainability, and employee safety and wellbeing, I believe Edgetech is one of the most forward-thinking companies in our industry.

I believe we offer great quality, service and support for our customers beyond just selling a commodity. We are there advising on automation, equipment, technical support, after sales support providing expertise, sharing information and hopefully, we’re seen as a key partner in the UK insulated glass industry.

With support from the wider Quanex family, we help bring greater thermal efficiency and overall performance to tens of millions of buildings around the UK.

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