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Edgetech, a Quanex company, is delighted to announce its new partnership with G11 Fabricator of the Year, Quickslide. Always keen to be associated with the industry’s movers and shakers, this latest signing is a further endorsement of Edgetech’s commitment to working with likeminded and proactive partners.

Adrian Barraclough, CEO of Quickslide explains: Our business has a reputation for going the extra mile on behalf of our customers, and part of this is to help them develop good business practices and ultimately generate leads and sales. The fact that Edgetech shares this philosophy was a key driver in our decision to work with them as we move onto the next phase of our expansion. While other companies are tightening their belts against the backdrop of recession, Quickslide as just invested £50,000 to undertake a complete review of our glass plant including the installation of automated gas filling equipment and a Super Spacer application line.

As market leaders in the field of sliding sash windows – we’ve manufactured almost half a million in our eight year history – it’s imperative that we offer trade customers the best solutions for their businesses, preferably before they even know they need them. We decided to switch to Warm Edge Technology for a more thermally efficient system, but naturally paid due diligence to ensure we were giving our customers the very best all round option. Having researched the market, we chose Edgetech for its total professionalism and the fact that as a forerunner in this sector, the team are clearly specialists in the technology. Our R and D team worked with Edgetech for well over 12 months performing trials, tests and efficiency calculations before we even ordered our first reel of spacer. The Super Spacer product has since proved not only more thermally efficient, but has also helped us reduce waste in our factory and improve productivity.

As part of Quickslide’s Kaizen approach to manufacturing we are always looking for ways we can continuously improve our processes and as a direct result of these recent changes, we have reduced man hours in the factory by 12% while producing the same output and achieved a 3% reduction in material waste. The introduction of Super Spacer significantly contributed to these results because its application requires fewer processes making it more efficient to manufacture and because the product is cut to length, has helped us reduce our waste.

It’s evident that Edgetech is in business for the long term and it’s very comforting to have a partner company who is at the top of their game and continuously looking for ways to improve our industry efficiencies. Every business needs strong specialist partners and just as our customers depend on us to do what we say we’ll do, Edgetech has done just that for us. I make that a Win, Win.

Andy Jones, Managing Director of Edgetech adds: Edgetech has always been much more than a component supplier so it’s great to work in true partnership with forward thinking companies like Quickslide to achieve real results. Whether its energy performance, improved productivity or business support, we want to work with our customers to make their lives easier.

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