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We’ve received encouraging feedback in the our latest customer survey!

The survey, conducted between 29th April and 24th July 2024, gathered feedback from customers across the UK.

Overall customer sentiment was exceptionally positive, with respondents praising Edgetech for its prompt and on-time deliveries, excellent communication, and helpful customer service team.

We’re delighted to have received a high net promoter score of 48.

Customers highlighted the ease of ordering through Edgetech’s online system, with many praising the speed and efficiency of the order processing and delivery.

One customer commented, “The service is always at 100%. There seems to be good communication throughout the team.

“The products speak for themselves, they are consistent and we get good quality feedback from our customers on how neat the warm edge spacer looks within a sealed unit.”

“We are delighted with the positive feedback from our customers,” said Paula Considine, Customer Services Manager at Edgetech.

“Their satisfaction is a testament to our team’s dedication to providing exceptional products and services. We will continue to listen to our customers and strive to exceed their expectations.”

Edgetech remains committed to building strong relationships with its customers and delivering innovative solutions that meet the evolving needs of the industry.

“Despite the great feedback we’ve received, we’re not complacent,” Paula continues.

“There’s always room for improvement, and in the months ahead we’ll continue striving to further improve product quality, consistency, and the standard of service our valued customers receive.”

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