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Installation companies visiting the FIT Show were able to see how they can make more profits with triple glazing on Edgetech UK’s stand. The new TGQ profit calculator, launched at the exhibition, was programmed to show how adding triple glazing can impact profits.

“Visitors to the show were impressed with the TGQ profit calculator,” says Alan Fielder, Director of Sales and Marketing for Edgetech UK. “The FIT Show proved to be a great opportunity to continue the debate.”

Expert speakers from the Triple Glazing Question live event held at the Ricoh Arena earlier in the year were also on hand to answer questions. “It wasn’t just on Edgetech’s stand,” continues Alan. “Companies exhibiting at FIT Show that had supported TGQ were signposted with Triple Glazing Expert boards on their stands. This meant that visitors could easily see which experts they could speak to about triple glazing.

“We wanted to broaden out the TGQ debate to installers. That’s why being at FIT Show was important to us. Bringing the calculator meant it was even more useful for installation companies. We ran a session about selling triple glazing every afternoon, and in the morning seminars from experts discussed practical window solutions.

“Running along the movie theme of FIT Show 2014 Edgetech launched its Top Gun competition. There’s £1000 up for grabs for the winner. We’re looking for the fastest time to make 2 complete units on the airfloat table. Karl Iceman Jones laid down the gauntlet with an impressive combined time for one rectangle unit and one semicircle set at under 40 seconds! We’re expecting this to be beaten in the coming weeks. The finals will be held at Edgetech’s HQ later this year.

“The organisers of FIT Show gave the industry a very successful exhibition and Edgetech is pleased to have played its part.”

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